Thursday 4 October 2018

Mark and Brean 23

A nice morning again.  Sunny spells and not too windy.  Recently saw an old tractor in a garden and a friend of mine, is interested in taking on a renovation project so, after I told him about it,  asked me to make enquiries with the owner.  Looking at it, he must be bonkers. ( He is actually, but doesn't read this.  Phew)

And this is what the fuss is about!

 A Rusty old Fordson tractor that looks as if it has been in situ since the First World War.   I did say I would ask the owner though so cycled 11.5 miles down to this place near Mark to find there was nobody in!  The effort you make for friends.  Perhaps try again over the weekend.  Apologies for the quality of the photo the contrast was a bit too much.

A wasted journey but added 23 miles to the week.


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