Monday 18 February 2013

18th February 2013 University

Not many pictures today I'm afraid. In fact just the one. Met a friend, Mick, in Burton Green and he told me of some mosaic panels that had been put at the side of the road, not far from the Greenway where we met. Not sure who is responsible for them, but there is a lot of detail on there of a variety of unrelated subjects.  Unfortunately, the picture was taken on a phone camera, looking into the sun, so it is of poor quality. Do not despair, I will return and retake it in more detail when the sun is in a better position.
Burton Green Mosaics

Despite that, it was a good 16 mile ride today. After meeting up, we cycled down the Kenilworth Greenway to Warwick University where coffee and tea was the order of the day.  A bit of a chilly morning but we did have an early start. With clear skies, once again, it was a pleasure to be out. 

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