Saturday 2 March 2013

2nd March 2013 Newbold Circuit

Lovely day today. The incentive to get out today is to complete 100 miles for the week. Need to do 11 to achieve that so lets go.

Nelson Hall
Today's route is into Warwick, Myton Road to the Sydenham, and back over Newbold Comyn. Done this route a few times so finding it more and more difficult to find new subject matter for the blog. Here is one place I go past.  The Nelson Club is a working mans club in Charles Street Warwick.  Originally, is was a social club for the George Nelson Dale company but that has long gone.

The Millwright Arms (and Sunrise Takeaway)

Reputedly the oldest pub in Warwick, this old pub dates back to 1500 and retains much of the period features. Good food in there, nice garden at the back. At one time, it brewed it's own beer on the premises but serves real ale on tap now.   Next door is the Sunrise, they do pretty good takeaways. 


Going down the Myton Road, spotted this in the grounds of the new theatre adjacent to Warwick High School.  Sculpted by Matthew Sanderson it was commisioned by the school to celebrate the opening of the theatre.

The Fountains

 I've been trying to get a photo of these since November, but over the winter they have been turned off. They are in the Jephson Gardens, in the middle of Leamington, and are a popular sight for visitors. The small lake attracts many wildfowl which the kids like to feed with bread. They must have so much, it is a wonder that they can get off the ground to fly.

An easy ride today, achieved 14 miles which took me over my target. Rest day tomorrow as will probably be doing a long ride on Monday with Graham.


  1. Good bit of photography there, nice blue sky's too. Not long now and you be getting plenty of warm days to riding in your way.

  2. Thanks Wayne. Must be getting darker now down under.

  3. Interesting you should stop at te Nelson Club

    See image
