Friday, 26 September 2014

27th September 2014 Highbridge Hoedown 30

Finished off the Peugot Project yesterday and gave the bike a spin down to Highbridge, just south of Burnham on Sea to 'celebrate'.  Went out through Uphill, Brean and Burnham and returned the same route. Nice calm day, a little overcast but nice and warm.

Peugot Project - Before

Bought this bike back at the end of May for £2 from a chap in Uphill near Weston. It was for sale in his garden. Since then it has been completely stripped down, some new bits to replace worn ones, a paint job and some new transfers.

And after
Have to admit to feeling a bit smug this morning taking the finished article out for a spin around Burnham on Sea.  All in all spent about £60 in total on the refurbishment and have ridden nearly 400 miles on it with only one minor hiccup, a crank worked its way loose. It has been very tempting to replace the old tyres with some modern, thinner ones, but as a fair bit of riding with the Old Gits is on a disused railway track and very minor country roads, it may be best to leave these more robust ones on.

Pontins Holiday Camp, Brean

Pontins was started in 1948, in Brean, by Fred Pontin and was located on an old US Army camp base. Since then it has been sold and resold and from a total of 30 holiday camps in its hay day, there are now 6 around the country. They specialise in half board or self catering holidays in chalets (which they call apartments) and are trying to operate under a theme park umbrella.

St Mary's Church Berrow

Built in the 13th Century, and restored in the 19th, the church tower of St Mary's contains a bell dating from 1801. It is a grade 1 listed building.  Berrow is a small village in between Brean and Burnham on Sea.

Burnham on Sea Yacht Club

Located at the mouth of the River Brue, south of Burnham, is this yacht club. Not many in the yard or moored nearby. With the extreme of tides in this area, there is not a great deal of opportunity for these boats to leave their moorings which at low tide is half way up a mud bank.

Western Week at Brean. Yee Hah.

Going through Brean, the place is full of cowboys. Not the building type, the  dedicated follower of the American Wild West. This is an annual event at Brean and there are many couples, such as these, who religiously re-enact the dress and ways of the 19th century pioneers.  Hence the title of this blog, the Highbridge Hoedown. Thanks to the sheriff and his wife for taking the time out to help out.

Did not actually get into Highbridge town centre, will leave that till another time. Another 30 miles on the Peugeot which is going well.

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