Thursday, 25 September 2014

25th September 2014 Sand Bay Sortie 14

Short and sweet today. Both the ride and the blog! Went into Weston to do some errands and then carried on over to Sand Bay to have a look round. Quite a blustery day today, a bit overcast. Did not take either my phone or camera today so no pictures folks. The map is self generated from an app called Map Ruler which allows the user to trace out a particular route and find out the mileage.

Having put it on here, don't you think it looks like a face?  An easy 14 miles today. One of the errands I did was to a model shop to seek advice about the preservation of decals on a bike. The information was pretty good so should be seeing the unveiling of the finished Peugeot Project on here in a couple of days.

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