Sunday, 28 September 2014

28th September 2014 Locking Loop 21

A nice sunny afternoon, very little wind, 72 degrees, perfect for a ride out. The plan is to do a big loop of Weston including Wick St Lawrence, St Georges, Banwell, Locking and back to WSM.

Sunday Bikers Meet

Near the pier at Weston is a small area dedicated to motorcycle parking.  I am after a newish motorbike and keep calling in here to see if there are any decent touring bikes going cheap.  Last time I asked one of the bikers for advice as to the best place to go locally I picked on the wrong bloke. He was a stranger to Weston and lived just a few miles from where I had moved from. The irony of it.

Level Crossing

Three quarters of the way round there is this level crossing.
 I don't actually have to use it as there is a cycle track going off to the right about 20 yards before it. As the barrier was down and a train was imminent it was an opportunity to get an arty farty photo of a blurred train streaking by.  Not that good now it is enlarged. These automatic cameras are far too efficient to allow objects to be blurred.  Never mind.  E for Effort.

The Bucket and Spade

Such an obvious name for a pub in a quintessential British seaside town.  This is on the main road into Weston from the M5.  It does not look too brilliant to be honest. Pubs that offer two meals for a tenner are usually at the low end of the market.

Heroes and Heroines

These pair were in Locking village. It looks there was a scarecrow competition with the theme of Heroes and Heroines and from the papers attached to this, it looks as if the 1st Locking Cub Pack won first prize with this effort.

A good 21 mile circuit today.   Just 3 short of the 100 mile target this week. Must try harder!

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