Thursday, 24 October 2013

24th October 2013 Gloucestershire Gallop

Considering the week's forecast was heavy rain, today turned out surprisingly sunny and warm. Went out with Graham for a long run taking in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire again, using a slightly different route this time. We went up Loxley Hill which my mate said was quite a stiff climb in three stages, the last being the worst. After the first two, the road levelled out a bit and then got steeper, but thankfully not as steep as I thought it would be. I said as much to Graham who retorted, "I had forgotten about this bit". Thanks mate! The last (and fourth) piece was steep, but manageable, and the reward was some excellent views over Stratford, Meon Hill and further. And also a long slope down to the A422 and Alderminster.

St. Mary's Church Alderminster
First built on this site in the 12th century, the church is on the main A3400 Stratford to Oxford Road. Set in the north of the Cotswolds many of the local building are built of the characteristic yellow stone.

Pumpkins R us.

After a circuit including Mickleton, Long Marston, Stratford, Tiddington and Charlecote, headed back into Warwick via Barford. Just outside Barford is this farm that makes the most of the Halloween trade,  using this old Austin lorry to advertise the fact. They have a website at so worth a visit if you want some ghoulish stuff. We shall have the grandkids with us on Halloween so will be paying a visit to get the pumpkin they have ordered!

Good ride today with Graham. Clocked 47.8 miles taking in three counties.

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