Sunday, 27 October 2013

26th October 2013 Manchester Velodrome

A day without my bike! Went to the Manchester Velodrome to see Round 1 of the Revolution series of cycle races. There was a mixture of world class women and men riders including the Olympic and world champions of Laura Trott, Dani King and Jo Rowsell. Jason Kenny was on top form as was Ed Clancy.
Inside the Velodrome

Warming up before the days events.

The stars line up

The various stars and teams line up before doing a introductory lap and being presented to the crowd.

The Kieran

One of the races is the Kieran. This chap on his 'Derny', a little moped, paces the riders for the first three laps before leaving the track and leaving them to battle the next three laps. Not so tactical as some of the other races but very exciting finishes.

Good to watch

Yours truly having a cup of tea towards the end of the evening.

Mark, Katie and Jayne

A very enjoyable evening with my daughter Jayne, grandaughter Katie and her husband Mark. It was Jayne's idea to treat me to this evening as a gift for my 70th birthday. A super present Jayne, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. A lovely evening , time for us to get on the track next!
