Tuesday, 22 October 2013

22nd October 2013 Norton Lindsey Loop

A case of dashing out between the showers agin today. Decided on a circular route through Beausale, Hatton, Norton Lindsey and Warwick. Taking the wet weather gear as well to be on the safe side.

Victorian Post Box

Spotted this on the side of a cottage near Norton Lindsey. It had been painted so many times it was hard to see any detail on it at all. As it took me ages to fiddle about getting gloves off, camera out etc, decided not to take any more today unless a space ship lands in the road, or Barack Obama stops and asks for directions.

Ones I took earlier!

The next two photos were taken some time ago but were on the route I did today. Nothing had changed. The first is an unusual signpost at a junction in Norton Lindsey taken in August 2012. The second one is the finishing post at Warwick Racecourse. That was taken in January 2013.

A bit wild and windy out there. Twice I had to stop and put  wet weather coat on. Another 20.5 miles to add to the log.


  1. An impressive 20 miles on a wet English autumn day!!

    1. Thank you Mark. Nice to get the odd comment now and again. It wasn't as wet as I thought it was going to be. Had to put my waterproofs on with 3 miles to go but it soon stopped raining. Very warm under the extra layers I have to say!
