Monday, 21 October 2013

21st October 2013 Hatton Locks

It's not going to be a good week weatherwise. The forecast is heavy rain most of the time. The ESCC were due to go out this morning, but cancelled, so it was a case of waiting to see if there was a break in the rain. At midday there was, so got changed into cycling gear and hey presto, my back lawn was full of cats and dogs! It stopped 30 minutes later so dashed over the fields to Hatton Locks Cafe.

Jersey Cows

Went to Hatton via the bridle paths from Kenilworth and stopped to see these Jersey Cows. The grass in the field is still fairly long so did not quite understand why they were all munching away at this dry hay. I presume it is a change for them.

Four seasons shots

Both the next pictures will form part of a collection taken over a period of time showing the changing seasons from the same spot. The first is on the Kenilworth to Hatton Bridle path, the second is on the big flight of locks running down from Hatton.  Looks like the winter sown corn is coming up nicely.

I have just checked back and in this next one, the bike is facing the wrong way! Must be from lack of concentration after the toasted cheese sandwich and cups of tea at the Locks Cafe.

Apart from a couple of spells of rain, got away with it today. It was surprisingly warm today, about 18 degrees. For the end of October, a real bonus. A modest, just under, 11 miles today, it was good to be out though.

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