Saturday, 3 February 2018

A ride out to Wrington 27

After miscalculating yesterday and leaving a layer off, not going to do the same again with the forecast still putting that cold wind in the NW.  In fact, extra layers went on today plus some heat pads in the gloves.  That should do the trick.  Going out to Congresbury and Wrington today, returning via Banwell.  

Community library.

Wrington was going to be a tea stop at the Mother Hen tea room.  Could not believe how warm I was, the extra clothes paid off, plus, there was not that iciness in the wind.  Next door to the tea room, the local people have turned an old BT phone box into a library, or more realistically, a book swap.  Open to all according to the note on the door, may bring one to exchange when passing this way again.  There looked some good choices in there to be fair.
Now for the bad news,  having had a cup of tea it started to rain and kept on all the way home so with the wind in the face the return leg was not half as pleasant as the outward journey.  Matters not, 27 miles done and the weekly total, so far, is 117 miles.

PS  The heat pads worked a treat.

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