Thursday, 30 November 2017

The Three go to Hatton 21

A visit to Leamington meant an opportunity to meet up with Mick and Graham.  With an overnight frost and temperatures just above freezing it was debatable whether or not the ride was on.  After cycling to Graham's ( having a nosebleed on the way!), the meeting point, we agreed that the roads were dry, it could only get warmer( well a bit) and we headed into a cold NW wind aiming for the Locks Cafe at Hatton.

Handing over the Token

Heading north, then west from Leamington took us out through Leek Wootton and then a short cut across a bridle path to Wedgenock and Hatton.  The path was a little rough in places but the mud near Goodrest Farm was frozen hard and was a bit tricky but passable.  We came out onto Kites Nest Lane where a left turn took us to the main road through Hatton, the A4100.  A short way up the hill and another left turn and we were soon ensconced in the warmth of the Hatton Locks Cafe.  Three tea and toasted tea cakes was the order of the day and after demolishing them, we asked the waitress to secure some photographic evidence of the handing over of the Token.  This time it was me handing over to Mick so having paid for the refreshments that was a weight off my mind for a few weeks.

Hatton Locks

Dropping down 130 feet from Hatton Top Lock to the bottom lock through a series of 21 locks, it was a very pleasant ride down the flight, especially with that biting wind behind us.  The photo was taken about five locks down looking toward Warwick.  We came off near Cape Road and made our way through Woodloes and the St Nicholas Park to the Myton Road where we parted company near the Sainsbury Island.

I think the others did 20 miles, my final figure was 21.  That was about enough for the conditions.  Looking forward to meeting up with them again.

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