Saturday, 3 January 2015

Wander around Weston, Wick and Worle in the Wet! 17

Not the best of weathers to cycle out in.  The forecast is virtually rain all day so might as well get the waterproofs on and give it a whirl.  Taking the mountain bike out over to Sand Bay and a circuit round Wick St Lawrence back to Weston.

Weston Beach

Rain was not too bad when I started so took a quick photo of Weston beach. The tide had been out for some time, the surface water was all from the rain.  The headland in the distance, normally very clear, can barely be seen in the low cloud.  Getting the camera out from underneath all the waterproofs was a bit of a bind so this was the only one taken today.  By me at least.  See below.

Danger - Man at work

Unbeknown to me, my wife, Sue, was watching me from our flat window and took the opportunity to capture the moment of a creative genius at work.

And then riding off into the murk along the prom.

17 miles round trip. The waterproofs held up well despite it raining, quite hard at times, all the way round.

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