A bridge too far
Part of todays route takes in a fair bit of the Somerset Levels which are extensively managed and drained with rhynes or ditches. Many of these rhynes have small bridges allowing farmers easy access to their fields but this one, on the road leading to Mark, is in serious need of repair. It was just after this that I carried straight on instead of taking a left turn. Will do better next time.
Christmas Charity
Taking a ride around the Brent Knoll, through the village of East Brent I stopped at this garden which is still displaying all the trappings of Christmas. Reading the notice on the gate, this is a charity fund raiser by the owners who collect money for disadvantaged children. Not including this year, £1580 has been raised for this worthy cause. Unfortunately, I had left my 'tea money' at home so could not donate, but will call in because a lot of effort has gone into this. The photo does not show the other half of the garden which has a similar amount of ornaments on display.
A good ride out today, just over 20 miles. Made it back before the new lights I had fitted on were actually needed.
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