Saturday, 23 November 2019

Not such a good day!

Out with the Old Git 'Friday Riders' for a 'training' ride, aimed to improve us for any events that may come up in the future, especially the Great Weston Ride, a 60 miler, in July.  This time of year though we tend to ease off a bit, especially during the winter months.  The forecast today was not perfect, rain showers with some sunny periods so worth going out.  The plan was to go to Sweets Cafe on the Somerset Levels going through Burnham on Sea in case the weather was not as forecast.

The day did not start too well however, a puncture in my rear wheel.  I hadn't even got out of the garage when I found the tyre was completely flat.  A quick call to the other three riders who were meeting just around the corner and they came to my rescue.  A thorn in the tyre was the problem and a new tube was quickly fitted.  Ironically the one that I had been carrying round with me as a spare for the last few months had a split in the side and couldn't be used.  Lucky I had another spare indoors,  that could have been a real issue out on the road.  

The Rescue Squad

The ride itself was not much better.  The showers promised were more a constant shower and the wind was quite chilly and there was certainly not any sun, far from it..  For that reason we didn't go as far as planned and stopped at the Reeds Hotel in Burnham for tea and a snack.  When the rain subsided a bit we carried on but headed back to Weston via Mark and east Brent.  After just over 29 miles with cold wet hands and feet it was good to get back home.

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