Friday, 19 January 2018

Two Old Gits (and a wife) go to Burnham 29

Just myself and another Old Git, Ian, turned up for Friday practice. Plus Ian's wife, Viv, and the three of us went down to Burnham via Lympsham and Mark. We met at the Back Huts on the prom and chose Burnham as our destination despite some rain clouds in the distance that looked a bit menacing.   As it turned out, we had very little rain, a smidgeon of hail although the roads around East Brent and towards Mark were very wet and in stretches partially covered in small hail stones which made riding a tad treacherous. We got through that unscathed OK.

Stray Sheep

The next obstacle was on the Pill Road between Rooksbridge and Mark.  Two rogue sheep which had escaped from a field.  With rhynes either side of this particular road, there was little place for them to go and we followed them for about a mile before they found a little track to dive down.  Leave them alone, they'll come home, wagging their tails behind them.
Carried on to Burnham and the wind was certainly against us for the couple of miles to the Bay View Cafe.  After tea and toast it was a decent ride back to Weston with the wind over our shoulder.

A good ride out today, a fraction under 29 miles was recorded.

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