Saturday, 13 January 2018

To the Mother Hen at Wrington 31

Last time the ride went past the Mother Hen Tea Room at Wrington it was freezing cold (the weather not the cafe) and the cafe was shut.  At least it was open today, and the weather wasn't too bad.  Tea and toasted tea cake was the order for today, ideal at just over half way round the circuit.


The Strawberry Line from Sandford to Congresbury was a bit wet in places but no problem.  Riding up West Hay Road to Wrington saw these snowdrops at the entrance to a house.  Although a winter flower, the snowdrop is a sure sign that primroses, daffodils are not far away.  That means Spring is around the corner.

Good spin out today.  31 miles takes this weeks total so far to 113,  with one day left as well.

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