Thursday, 12 October 2017

Off to Burnham for a cuppa 30

A pretty decent day today, ideal to push the mileage up slightly.  Off to Burnham across the levels, the aim being a cup of tea at the Bay View Cafe.  A fellow STRAVA user had hinted that it was quite muddy on some of the lanes so will watch out for that.

Direction Signs

Or finger posts as some folk call them.  This photo was taken on the 23rd January 2016 after an article on BBC news described that Somerset Council had ceased maintaining these signs because of 'austerity measures'.  There was a bit of a back lash and comments about how useful they actually are despite the invention of the SatNav.

Direction Signs Part 2

Here we are, nearly 2 years later and in the same vicinity this sparkly sign, resplendent in the sunshine.  It appears to be on private property, the village school, and is sporting a new paint job.  It is actually on the opposite side of the road to its former position.  I suspect the Parish Council may have had a hand in this.  If they did, fair play to all.

Mud on the road

As for any mud on the road, it was not as bad as was first thought.  Some farmers had been quite thoughtful and left these hand painted drums about.  Overnight, traffic had removed a lot of it and the wind/sun had dried the roads a treat.  A bit further on was a bit iffy with mud and cow doo dahs scattered about.  Got through it unscathed though. A bit further on, passed a couple of cyclists in the opposite direction and one of them knew me and called out.  No idea who that could be, need to check amongst the Old Gits.

Thoroughly enjoyed that this morning.  Headwind first half, blown back the second.  Have invited a few Old Gits to join me in the morning to repeat the 30 mile ride.

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