Monday, 14 August 2017

Around Uphill

A funny place Uphill, a small village adjacent to the south of Weston Super Mare, it is actually below the level of the spring and autumn high tides!  They have had serious floods in the past the most recent was in the 1980s.  Needless to say there are proper sluice gates installed now.  Wonder why they called it Uphill?  Nice day for a walk today, along the beach, past the marina and back through the village.


Saw this on the banks of the River Axe.  The question is, does the boat (what a sad state it's in) being chained to the metal rod prevent the rod or the boat being taken away. Just thinking.

Safe mooring

When it is high tide anyway.  For the rest of the time, boats like these are slumped on the mud along the river.

Uphill church and beacon

A general view across the marina to the old church and beacon.  The church is still used occasioanally despite not having a roof.  The beacon is used on special occasions, the last time was the Queen's 60th jubilee.  Went to watch it along with quite a few other locals but found it disappointing to find the beacon was actually a propane gas burner.  Modern times I suppose.

Best walk so far.  Just under 4.5 miles.


  1. You have been keeping yourself busy, Ken. Any danger you will have forgotten what a saddle is for? Mick

    1. No fear of that Mick. Two weeks to go before getting the all clear.

  2. Here you go,Ken.It's not named for the hill as many people think.
