Friday, 7 July 2017

Grand Opening of Weston to Brean cycle path 13

Apparently, this day has been awaited and planned for 15 years.  A cycle route between Weston Super Mare and Brean Down.  The barrier has been the River Axe and the landowners either side of it.  After much negotiation with those landowners and the Bristol Water Board, a sluice gate has been finally unlocked and proper gates installed which negates walkers and cyclists walking around 9 miles along busy, windy roads.  Unfortunately Strava did not work (again) and a map from the Apple watch will have to suffice today.

The Flag!

Nine Old Gits attended the send off, including one who couldn't make it on a bike, and we met near to the Grand Pier at Weston.  One of the organisers, without a by your leave or kiss my astrakhan, attached an enormous flag to the back of not only my bike, but a few others as well.  Oh well, its on now, might as well as suffer the indignity of it all.  Wouldn't have been so bad if it was claret and blue, the colours of Aston Villa.

Through the Reserve

One of the Old Gits is also one of the wardens and has access to a Radar key that opens up the gates on some of the awkward stiles that ar on the Uphill Nature reserve.  This is us catching up with each other half way through the reserve.  My bike, still with flag, trying to hide on the right of the picture.

What % cyclists?

The world and his wife turned up for this one. Councillor this, councillor that, the Lord Lieutenant, planning and traffic managers, the media (along with the Aardvark drone) oh and some cyclists.  Actually it wasn't a bad turnout really.  Even better, there was free drinks and cake in the nearby Diamond Caravan Site cafe.  (They own the Somerset side of the river)

The Gate

And this is what it was all about.  The gate from one side to the other.  The funny fencing on the right represents driftwood and shields wading birds in the estuary from us human beings.  There are red shanks, dunlings and sandpipers among others along this stretch of the river.  Luckily, there are viewing points in the 'driftwood' with seating.  Managed to get rid of the flag by this time.

All done now so rode home after all the excitement.  13 plus miles today.

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