Saturday, 29 April 2017

The Battle of Bleadon Hill 15

On May Day, there is an event at Weston to inaugurate a new cycle path from the town to Brean. The Old Gits plan to turn out in force and just for the day, the route will be along the beach on the sand.  Some of the OGs are not too impressed with that so I dusted the mountain bike off this morning and did a recce ride to see what it would be like.

On the beach

Didn't find it too bad at all.  Rode along the wet part  and apart from having to use the low gears as it was not too easy, the ride was fine.  The actual cycle path will be on the main road but common sense says it would be inappropriate to have perhaps a couple of hundred cyclists using the A370  at the same time on a Bank Holiday Monday.  I will probably use the beach on Monday, wonder how many OGs will.

Up the Bleadon Hill

Whilst out on the mountain bike, with the low gearing, went to Bleadon and crossed the Mendips.  It is a 400ft climb over a couple of miles, so took it easy, no eyeballs out stuff and got over the hump fairly easily.  The view is from near the top looking over towards North Devon.  Brent Knoll just left of centre in the distance.

Enjoyed that this morning 15 miles covered.  Returned back through Weston Town which was alive with Vespas and Lambrettas due to the scooter convention being held here this weekend.

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