Thursday, 19 January 2017

Nearly to Burnham 30

Just realised, three photos today and my bike is not actually in any of them!  That has to be a first.  Another nice day, if a bit on the chilly side.  Wrapped up, it was a pleasure to be out. Started off around the town with a couple of little errands to do then went out on the Somerset Levels.

Union Street  Weston

This street is closed currently to allow the building work on the new Dolphin Square to go ahead.  This is next to the library, one of my ports of call, applying for a new free bus pass.  Tried to use it the other day to be advised by the driver that it had expired a couple of months ago.  Forgot to include the bike, must have been overawed by the nice blue sky.

The little family.

These two swans have been near Mark all winter, it must be near time for Sunny Jim to make his/her own way in the world.  No more ugly duckling.  Hard to include the bike on this one.


I suppose this does include the bike unless you want to be a bit picky.  The Mendips in the background.  Haven't done an 'arty' shot for ages.  Feel ever so much better for doing so.

Just a tad over 30, first one for 14 days.  Not too bad after being a bit poorly.

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