Free pump
Needed more pressure in the tyre than my little pump can manage so diverted to Halfords in Weston on the way out to use their pump that they have outside for the use of customers (and passers by I hope). Not very exciting bicycle racks Mick.
River Yeo
Crossing over the River Yeo from the A370 to the Strawberry Line route through to Yatton. The Mendips in the distance and note the clear blue sky. It was a bit cold though, and earlier the cycle paths in Weston were a bit icy but not a problem. Mistake using the Strawberry line, it was very muddy and came out the other end a lot dirtier than when I started.
A good ride, a fraction under 42 miles.
Nice to see you taking an interest in the racks, Ken. The Halfords one is a very common type of bike rack.
ReplyDeleteKeep looking!