Sunday, 18 September 2016

Mudgely Mooch 48

Another nice day forecast, a bit down on the mileage this week so will have to push the boat out a bit to reach the target 100.  Heading out to Wedmore and beyond which should do the trick.  Went through Bleadon, Wedmore and turning round at Mudgely on the edge of the Mendips. (Nothing there by the way) and returned via West Hay and Burnham.


Weston is hosting an Iron Man event today.  Starting at around 7, when the tide will be right up, there is a 1 mile swim, a 60 mile bike event and a half marathon to finish.  The cycle route covers two ascents of Cheddar Gorge which should be challenging.  Despite it being the perfect weather conditions for such an event, I will leave them to it.  Interestingly, the last runner was still running on the beach 8 hours after the start.

Sweet's Tea Rooms

Good place for a cup of tea.  This is on the road between Wedmore and West Hay. This Tea room/cafe serves a wide variety of food and from the number of cyclists gathered around, it is a popular place with riders.  The sign states there is a museum on site with a varied collection of stuff gathered by the Sweet family over a number of years.  Must have a look next time.

Hello- Hello
Based on one of the characters from the BBC series based on the World War Resistance in France, this scarecrow seen in Burtle is supposed to be Roger Leclerc an elderly resistance fighter. Well known for appearing in various disguises and announcing It is I, Leclerc" despite it being patently obvious!

Grey Heron

Seen near Mark, this grey Heron was right by the side of the road and never moved when I first went by.  Returning immediately in stalking mode, complete with Hi-Vis orange cycling top, he flew away but landed a hundred yards away. Not a brilliant photo but a memory never the less.

Satisfied with just under 47 miles, this took the week efforts up to 106 miles.  Job done.

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