Monday, 6 July 2015

Rugby Roustabout. 4

Away for a couple of days in Warwick and Rugby staying at my sister in laws. In return for doing a little DIY job, I borrowed her bike and went for a brief ride around the north side of Rugby. Just a brief jaunt but the bike was too small for me, the tyres needed more air in, and there were some hills to negotiate. All in all, a brief but testing ride!
Need to put the photos on later when I get back to Weston. Watch this space.

New Housing

Started the ride through a very new housing estate near Brownsover Rugby. Went slightly wrong at first hence the big cicular section in the middle of the map!  The workmen were still finishing off the road, and the cycle path I was on was very new, so new in fact, after another 100 yards had to get off and walk over very rough terrain.

Railway Bridge (top)

Not long after the rough track, turned a corner and found myself on top of an old railway bridge. I had discovered a disused railway.  A loop round took me underneath the bridge.

Railway Bridge (bottom)

The disused railway line itself was in pretty good shape. It was the old Rugby to Lutterworth line, probably one of Mr Beeching's casualties. Quite a few folk were using it for walking and jogging which keeps it alive. I followed it south for a short way and came off to finish the ride around the estate. 

Only 4 miles, but not keen for anyone to see me on a small, ladies mountain bike, finished in a pale lavender colour with two tyres that were desperate bit of air.

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