Thursday, 9 July 2015

Glastonbury Glee 50

Why Glee? Because this has been on my bucket list for 6 months now and having had several aborted attempts at doing this trip, managed it today. With a Sportive coming up the weekend after next, it was good to get some decent miles in. Actually intended to do a big circuit but somehow went off track on the way back. Note to self :-  Don't buy any more 40 year old, second hand OS maps from a second hand book store in Cardiff!

Church of St John the Baptist

Situated in the High Street, this church was built in the 15th Century and is a Grade 1 listed building. In the grounds of the church is a thorn tree, which flowers twice a year. A blossom from the tree is sent every year to the Queen at Christmas.  Never seen it before, but there is a postscript on the War Memorial which acknowledges all those that returned from the wars.

Market Cross

This octagonal Market Cross, also in the High Street, was built in 1846 by Benjamin Ferry, an architect who specialised in the Gothic Revival movement. Glastonbury was a centre of commerce with the building of a canal but the railways destroyed that importance and the town went into decline. It is famous now for its ancient Abbey, its annual music festival, and the many Gothic and spiritualist shops that dominate the town. There are many legends about King Arthur and other historical figures that have lead to a semi hippy culture prevalent in the town,

High Street

A view of High Street from the Market Cross towards St John the Baptist Church.

The Giraffe

Don't see many of these in Somerset.  Spotted in a field just off the Glastonbury Road at Meare. Thought it might have been made from an old tree trunk but on closer inspection, looks more like papier mache.

Drat!  49.6 miles according to Strava, the GPS on the phone. The little old computer on the bike said 48.5 but that is unreliable.

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