A nice morning, on with the short sleeved top and away towards the Somerset Levels. Had to cut the ride a bit short when I realised I did not have a spare inner tube with me. Rather than risk it, turned back so had a shorter ride.
Tropicana Cafe
After many years, the council have got their act together and done something with the long abandoned Tropicana complex on the prom. The former swimming pool and lido has long been in a state of disrepair and the local community would have liked to have seen it in its former glory both for the locals and to bring in tourists to the town. So far there is a cafe on the prom and a suite of offices for the council! C'est la vie Rodney. There is an argument that there are enough cafes scattered along the sea front.
Colin the Artist.
Colin is a local artist who sells his work on the prom and nearby parks. He pushes his trolley, laden with his work, around the streets and sells the prints for upwards of 50 pence each. His subjects are mainly local street views and scenes from films. He agreed to pose for the blog if I bought one of his prints so one of the granddaughters, Carmen, will be pleased with the print of the princesses of Frozen I have got for her.
A modest 15 miles today, good preparation though for going out with the Old Gits tomorrow.
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