Monday, 29 June 2015

Hutton Horror 15

Best laid plans of mice and men! Went out to do a decent ride as the Great Weston Ride is in 3 weeks and need to step up the mileage a bit. Called down the town first to do a couple of jobs and found I could not remember the combination of my bike lock and could not secure it. No jobs done. Then I realised my tool and puncture kit had been left in the car so had no fall back should anything happen whilst I was out. Did half of what was intended but used a route where there were a couple of decent hills and pushed it along a bit. What a Muppet! The Strava did not operate either so will have to draw the route and post it later.


Havent done the big hill leading into Hutton since last year when I had to walk it. Managed it all in one go today. Entering the village at the top of the hill, saw these milk churns being used as part of a display. Milk churns were always left out side the farm each morning for collection by the milk distributor. Never see them now, it is all tankers.


A bit further on, stopped to take this display outside a private house. It has to be said, the residents of Hutton do take a pride in the village and make an effort.

The Old Inn

Could not see the new one anywhere. Again, a lot of flowers around this pub in the centre of Hutton. The chap on the left was just descending down into the pub cellar. I warned him that he had to be out of there by Friday!

Not so far as planned but a toughish 15 miles. That should help the 'training' a bit.

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