Monday, 16 February 2015

Weston Wander 5

A bit rushed at the moment. If you come back later there will be some text on. Honest!

Right. Where was I?  Out with the Old Gits tomorrow so not doing too much today, just a mooch around Weston Town, see what is about.

Clarence Park Cafe

About 200 yds from home is Clarence Park with Bowls, play areas and some pleasant walks through the park. This little old cafe looks like it has been around a long time, possibly Victorian, and is well used by the local people.


This is some of the wood that has been washed up on the beach after recent strong winds and high tides. The council do a good job collecting it on a regular basis. The locals are quick to get down to the waters edge and cart some of it off, possibly for their wood burning stoves.

All aboard

Stopped for a time to watch this digger trying to get on this ferry. Some chap said that it was being moved around the coast a short way to the old Birnbeck Pier which is in danger of collapsing. It would seem that this ferry had been hired from Falmouth a Cornish port some 240 miles around the coast. It only cost £6000 to hire it he said!

Weird Door

Riding round some of the back streets on the way home, came across this door leading into a garden. Hard to describe it, highly lacquered wood in sections, moulded into strange lumps and hollows.

A very modest, but enjoyable 5 miles today. All set up for the morning now.

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