Saturday, 31 January 2015

Windy Wick St Lawrence 17

A cold windy day again. Cannot stop indoors for too long so, on with the layers, head down and do a reverse route of Wick St Lawrence a small hamlet north of Weston.

Locking Castle Church

Locking Castle is an area of Weston and is named such because of an old castle that was here years ago. Only a small mound remains but the area has been well developed with new houses, stores and a modern church.

Wick St Lawrence "Cross"

This 15th century village cross stands on an area of grass opposite the parish church. It is raised up on five octagonal stone platforms. The crosshead was destroyed during the time of the English Civil War. 

Kewstoke Parish Church.

St Paul's is the parish church of Kewstoke, a small village between Sand Bay and Weston. The church was built in the 12th century and stands on a promontory overlooking the bay, and in the distance Wales.

The layers worked a treat! Kept nice and warm despite the cold headwind at times. 17 miles covered today.

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