Monday, 28 April 2014

28th April 2014 Castle Chaos 10

Well, not a great deal went right today!  A bit stuck for time with jobs to do in town, so combined the chores with a pedal into town on the mountain bike. Quite a pleasant day all told.

Talisman Square Car Park

This used to be a row of shops. A redevelopment took place a couple of years ago and I think they must have run out of money. The plan was to pull a row of shops down and rebuild to a better spec. We now have a car park. Handy for a quick visit to one of the local shops. Called in to my building society, they let me down badly, another call to my bank failed to achieve what I wanted to achieve. Not good so far.

Talisman Square

This photo is from the other side. These shops were actually upgraded and some more added. Unfortunately, the public toilets were lost in the process. Not good news for an OAP! 

Kenilworth Clock

A very prominent landmark in the centre of Kenilworth. The clock stands  at the head of Warwick Road, by Abbey End, and was presented to the town by G.M. Turner as a memorial to his late wife who died in March 1891. The upper part of the clock was damaged by a landmine in 1940 which also destroyed the Globe Hotel which stood nearby.

Romany Caravan

Had to be quick to get this one! This was the third attempt. The first two, by the time I had gone ahead, stopped and parked the bike it had gone sailing by. This time, going down the hill towards Kenilworth Ford, the lady driver had to go slow because, as she said, "All the weight is on his behind."  Now you know. The Staffordshire bull terrier in his fluorescent vest was a nice touch keeping real discipline staying on the nearside.  The caravan had been on display at the big Horse Fair held in the town over the last weekend.

I did try to get back home via the bridle path that runs from the castle to near my home. Half way along there was still a huge puddle at a small bridge that needs to be crossed. I had to retrace my steps hence the 10+ miles trip.

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