Strange Drain!
This tree, in Beauchamp Avenue, Leamington, has for some unknown reason got a full size down pipe firmly attached to it. There is no outlet or means of catching water at the top. The fixing brackets have become firmly embedded in the bark. It has been there for donkeys years and I had forgotten all about it until my wife mentioned it the other day. Now quite why this has been done is a mystery. If any reader can offer an explanation please share.
Alms Houses, Stoneleigh
Near to the centre of Stoneleigh village are these alms houses. Known as the Dame Alice Leigh's Almhouses, they were named after the lady of the manor when they were established in 1579. They were built for the dwelling and habitation of five poor men and five poor women of the parish. The vicar, and two wardens, were appointed to administer the houses and for that, they were paid 6 shillings and eight pence per year. (33 pence in new money).
Stoneleigh Church.
Staying in Stoneleigh, looked around this ancient village. This is the church as seen across the meadow.
Nice house, Stoneleigh
Could not help but admire this very fine Tudor? house. Probably built in the 14th or15th century this is one of the nicest houses in the village. Puzzle. Why is the front gate all blocked off?
A nice ride today taking in three towns and a small portion of Coventry. Another 23 miles done.
Just testing to see if comments can be put on. Several readers say they cannot do it. Possibly do not realise that the 'No Comment' link has to be selected. Ken