Day trip to Weston Super Mare to see the grandkids, a trip I did last week, so need to head out in a different direction when taking a trip out with Carmen. Made our way towards the beach then turned left towards the village of Uphill. The red line on the map below shows us riding out to sea at one point. In reality, the tide was right out and we were able to ride on the firm sand.
Uphill Manor
The first point of interest we found was Uphill Manor, a hotel on the edge of Weston. Built in 1805 as Uphill Castle, it is set in 19 acres of ground offering a unique experience on the edge of Weston town.
The Taverna Bus
We found this bus parked opposite the La Cucina Italian restaurant in the village of Uphill near Weston. Trip advisor gives the place some excellent reviews if you are into Italian food. Not sure what the open top bus is for, does not look as if it is used much.
Tidal Gate
In Uphill itself, there is a small marina which is obviously at sea level. With the village at the same level, it has been necessary to build a tidal gate which is closed during high seas. Over the last couple of months, this gate, along with others along this stretch of coast, has been closed at times of tidal surges therefore giving protection to the low land.
Lime Kiln
In the late 18th century, the production of lime was quite an important part of the industrial revolution. Lime was used as an ingredient of building mortar, as an agricultural field dressing and as a simple paint. Limestone from a quarry behind this kiln would be burnt with coal to break the stone down into lime and calcium carbonate. This kiln, alongside the marina, is a well preserved example of such a kiln and was in use between 1780 and 1850.
Don't go there !!
From Uphill village, it is possible to get onto the sandy beach and cycle back towards Weston Super Mare. The tidal range in this estuary can be up to 48', the second highest in the world, which leaves large areas of mud flats (hence the town being called Weston Super Mud). These warning signs, placed at regular intervals, are not to be taken lightly as in the past people have died after being caught in the mud. Nearer the shore, the firm sand is easy to cycle on as we found out.
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