Tuesday, 11 February 2014

11th February 2014 Wot no shoes! 23

A bit of a disaster day! Scheduled to go out with the ESCC, meeting at Andy's house at Southam. The weather forecast was grim, to say the least, so rang before leaving home and agreed to give it a go.  Layered up well, waterproofs and extra gloves packed, and put my bike on the car and rode over. Three others turned up at Andy's and after a cup of tea and a chinwag, agreed that it looked OK out there and a shorter circuit around the minor roads with no tea stop would be the order of the day. It was getting ready to go that, calamity, I realised I had left my cycling shoes at home. Apart from changing the pedals with some spares that Andy had, there was no option but to cancel. The forecast after lunch was pretty good so I decided to cancel the morning ride and leave the heroes to it. I went out later for a ride to Wellesbourne and back.


Di, Andy, Richard and Steve, all geared up and weatherproofed ready to go.  I followed them, in my car, out of the close, and at that point it started hammering down. I saw them turning left at the end of the road in a haze of rain and spray with a little bit of snow mixed in. Best of luck guys.  Andy  contacted me later and although they started off in hail and rain, thankfully, conditions did get better later and they did 20 miles in all. And that with no tea stop. Well done.

After lunch, the rain had stopped and the sun was out in a blue sky. Time to get out then. A fairly straightforward trip, did what I set out to do yesterday, to Wellesbourne and back. Most of the way was into the wind so the return was pretty easy. Unfortunately, didn't get back with any decent pictures.
A pleasant 23 miles though.

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